Thursday, May 21, 2020
Otherness Essay - 956 Words
Cheyanne Easter Processor: Temple English 066 1 October 2012 Otherness Everywhere you go you catch yourself either stereotyping or being stereotyped just by the simple she lives in a big house she must be rich or he’s Asian he must be good at math. Stereotyping is usually a negative habit on all human beings but it somehow weasels its way into social acceptance. Now, more than ever and somehow we end up accepting it with no concern. Allport (1954) theory was that thinking ill of others without warrant that people make their mind u without any personal experience. This pre judgment is worldwide it happens everywhere including every race white, black, Hispanic to what gender female or male. We are all human we†¦show more content†¦He explains that those type of stereotypes are the ones he has to live up to on a daily bases. You could relate this man’s experience with a young African American boy that was murdered because this man thought he was being â€Å"suspicious†. Trayvon Martin a 17 year old teenage that was shot for t he simple fact that he was a black male wearing a hoodie walking through a gated neighborhood. Federals say this could indeed be a hate crime. What went through George Zimmerman’s head to shoot this innocent boy was it the first time Zimmerman’s done such type of prejudgment on black males, no. At the very least, a situation of 46 emergency calls made by Zimmerman over the past six years documents his attentiveness about keeping his neighborhood safe and orderly. The calls include complaints about unruly people at the pool, potholes, dumped trash, and kids playing in the street. In recent months as the neighborhood saw an uptick in crime, including burglaries and a shooting, Zimmermans calls had focused on specific suspects, the majority of them young black males. Zimmerman assumptions about these people made them his target. Some people say that this doesn’t exist in current day society but this right here is a prime example. To willingly kill a young black k id due to the fact that he walked into this residence or for the simple fact that heShow MoreRelatedOtherness655 Words  | 3 PagesJasmin Mercado Miss DeLlamas AP Language 9 December 2012 The Otherness Otherness is the concept of one not meeting the requirements of fitting into the social norm. These people are then rejected and left alone because they are too unique for â€Å"normality†. Blanche and Susanna have several comparisons and they both make their own statements about â€Å"otherness†which leads to their delinquency and punishments. At first, Blanche expresses herself as a young, caring, honest, and innocent lady, butRead MoreAn Essay on Otherness884 Words  | 4 Pagescharacteristics possessed by the group, the Other is almost always seen as lesser or inferior being and is treated accordingly†(The Other, 2009). A group sets guidelines and if a person does not meet them they will not be accepted as â€Å"normal†. 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