Wednesday, May 6, 2020
Equal Pay Act 1970 Equality And Diversity - 963 Words
Equality To me this means treating everyone with respect and fairness whilst recognising their individual needs. Diversity Recognising, valuing and acknowledging difference and similarity. Inclusion Providing opportunities to everyone, in its simplest term it is the ‘state of being included’. The Equality act 2010 replaced nine primary legislations and over 100 bits of secondary legislation to make it simpler to understand and ensure that everyone is treated fairly and brings together a number of previous legislations including the: †¢ Equal Pay Act 1970 †¢ Sex Discrimination Act 1975 †¢ Race Relations Act 1976 †¢ Disability Discrimination Act 1995 †¢ Employment Equality (Religion or Belief) Regulations 2003 †¢ Employment Equality (Sexual†¦show more content†¦From another perspective, it is only in recent years that I have been honest with potential employers during the recruitment process as I had experienced discrimination upon disclosure in previous applications. Even today I am still cautious as to the point of should I or when I disclose my disability especially as I am also in the older workers category which on its own is prone to discrimination. Vedas recruitment training are a ‘disability confident’ employer which means we positively engage with persons who may normally feel excluded from applying for our vacancies by using a range of application techniques and advertising in a wide range of places not normally used. The workforce is naturally diverse and closely represent the social makeup of the community therefore doesn’t need positive discrimination. Within Vedas Recruitment Training the policies relating to equality, diversity and inclusion are not specifically measured in terms of performance of employees. One incidents of unfair treatment occurred within Vedas Recruitment Training which came about when one individual was promised a promotion should a bid be successful. This caused resentment in others who felt theyShow MoreRelatedManaging Diversity Within An Organization1674 Words  | 7 PagesManaging Diversity is often defined as a â€Å"management philosophy of recognising and valuing heterogeneity in organisations with a view to improve organisational performance†(Ozbilgin and Tatli, 2011). Hence recognising the wide variety of qualities possessed by people within an organisation and creating an environment that understands, values and utilises the differences within people. 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