Monday, August 24, 2020
A Case Study of Green Computing and Environmental Impact in A Kurdish Essay
A Case Study of Green Computing and Environmental Impact in A Kurdish University (Salahaddin University Erbil) - Essay Example The utilization of green processing in the Salahaddin University Erbil involves setting out on different PC rehearses that support diminished utilization of power. As indicated by Hu and Kaabouch (2012, p. 78), green figuring achieves critical investment funds on the natural squanders from mechanical machines and gear, just as contribute enormously to the preservation of the earth. This is a basic component that is helpful in this exploration as decreased utilization of power at the establishment legitimately reduces the weight on the natural assets that are utilized to create the measure of intensity utilized at Salahaddin University Erbil. As per Gangadharan and Murugwsan (2012, p. 34), the utilization of green processing has a cozy relationship with the university’s condition, which should direct the acts of green figuring at the foundation. Activities that energize green registering at this college are essential to the organization in the viewpoint that there will be dimin ished charges of power devoured. This is additionally basic to the examination network in understanding dependable manners that could be utilized to chop down the expense of power devoured at Salahaddin University Erbil. This is additionally significant in understanding the particular effects that the utilization of green registering at the establishment will have on its quick and removed situations. Practices of green processing at Salahaddin University Erbil advantage this exploration in deciding how the decreased utilization of power will influence the general condition at the foundation. It is critical in understanding the different properties and viability of green figuring as a perfect practice that preserves the earth. Green figuring is, subsequently, the examination and practice of utilizing processing assets effectively. In that capacity, advances previously making
Saturday, August 22, 2020
Neonatal Nursing
Nursery/Neonatal Nurse Chamberlain College of Nursing Nursery Nursing A Nursery Nurse is an attendant who gives clinical consideration to babies and newborn children. In spite of the fact that they as a rule work in emergency clinic nurseries, some work in outpatient care focuses or private habitations, giving in-home consideration to wiped out babies. Nursery attendants can likewise be arranged as neonatal (infant) or pediatric attendants, contingent upon the age bunch they serve.Nursery Nurses may have an alternate title yet perform a considerable lot of indistinguishable obligations from RNs and LPNs, including: directing medicines, drugs, tests, and methods, helping doctors, making or refreshing patient consideration plans, keeping up quiet records and different obligations however this all relies upon the nursery level in which they work. I might want to be a nursery/neonatal medical attendant since I love working with babies, I need to be tested in my vocation, and I need to ha ve a fulfilling/fruitful calling. I couldn't want anything more than to turn into a Nursery/neonatal nurse.I love babies, they are little dear babies and I can be trusted to think about them. It’s not a simple occupation as certain individuals would think. Not all infants come out â€Å"healthy†some are brought into the world with imperfections and need uncommon consideration and that’s where we come in. Before this class I just realized I needed to be a medical caretaker however I was lost with discovering which nursing job was for me. I experienced six distinctive medical caretaker titles and I accept this one suits me the best. Since I comprehend what sort of attendant I need to be I can ensure I’m taking quite a few classes and working harder to turn into a nursery nurse.Becoming a Nursery Nurse takes preparing, experience and training. You would require working information on wellbeing and security, great relational abilities, capacity to work with a group, NNEB, CACHE level 3, NVQ level 2/3 or equal, past experience working inside a comparable situation and somewhat more. You need to ask yourself am I physical, enthusiastic and profound arranged to think about kids, would i be able to occupy them during upsetting methodology. I have asked myself these inquiries and I am prepared to think about others children.As I have said before this job isn't simple and it will provoke me to turn into an extraordinary Nursery Nurse to take incredible consideration of infants. Further developed jobs will for the most part require extra preparing or potentially experience. There is an association called NHS utilizing associations that may offer help to nursery aides and nursery medical attendants, moving in the direction of applicable capabilities. Turning into a Nursery Nurse is remunerating on the grounds that thinking about that babies don’t talk, their non-verbal signs should be decoded by nursing experts. To me this is a signific ant aptitude provided that we don’t comprehend what the infants need we can’t deal with them.They can recognize and decipher signs babies show, in light of modifications in their wellbeing, and legitimate consideration can be conveyed and imparted to relatives. Comprehension of the youngster's torment or different practices can be transmitted to the relatives. I can envision how these medical attendants feel realizing that they’re making the infants solid and upbeat. Nursery nursing care is an interactional procedure of three channels: it includes communications between the expert/infant and expert/infant and family (Pinheiro EM, Siiva MJP, Angelo A, Ribeiro CA). Despite the fact that the work is relentless as indicated by payscale. om (2010) â€Å"the normal compensation with a propelled degree is $80,000†. It couldn’t improve when you love going to work each day and getting paid a decent measure of cash while doing it. Nursing is an extraordinary profession to put resources into on the off chance that you love helping individuals. I love helping individuals however I would want to work with babies since they are defenseless and need individuals like me who are committed to just them. I will remain in school and get the best training I can to progress in my profession. I feel this calling will satisfy my fantasies and I will have a remunerating career.References Caleeda (2007). Nursery nurture. From http://www. caleeda. co. uk/page24/page32/page32. html Crown copyright. NURSERY NURSE AND NURSERY ASISTANT. (2006) http://www. nhscareers. nhs. uk/investigate via profession/more extensive social insurance group/vocations in-the-more extensive medicinal services group/corporate-administrations/nursery-nursenursery-colleague/Pinheiro, E. , Silva, M. , Angelo, M. , ; Ribeiro, C. (2008). The importance of communication between nursing experts and babies/families in a clinic setting. Revista Latino-Americana De Enfermagem (RLAE), 16( 6), 1012-1018. .
Monday, July 20, 2020
Need a Better Fast Cash Loan
Need a Better Fast Cash Loan Need a Better Fast Cash Loan? Try Skipping the Hassle of Cash. Need a Better Fast Cash Loan? Try Skipping the Hassle of Cash.There are times when you just need a fast cash loan, but isnt there a better, safer way?It’s a fact: Taking your old jacket out of the closet and finding that random ten-dollar bill in the pocket is the BEST part of fall. Well, okay, maybe not the best, but it’s up there.That’s the thing about cash: It’s fun, spendable, and great to have in small amounts. Carrying a little cash on hand can feel good, but carrying around a serious amount can be annoying at best and dangerous at worst. That’s why most of us don’t carry much cash anymore. In fact, two out of ten Americans carry less than $20 cash on a daily basis.[1] We’ve switched to other forms of payment that are safer, easier, and more responsible.According to a recent Federal Reserve Payments Study, 67 percent of consumer payments in 2012 were made with debit or credit cards, up from 43 percent in 2003.[2] And with the rapid growth of mobile payments, like tap-and-pay Google Wallet and Apple Pay, lots of businesses are moving away from cash too. A recent report by Javelin Strategy and Research found that 66 percent of in-person sales are made without cash, and the trend is continuing.[3] In fact, certain airlines, hotels, restaurants, stores and merchants are now adopting “cashless†policies and only accepting electronic payment.[4]The basic fact is we don’t need cash in hand the way we used to. So why do lots of small-dollar lenders make such a big deal about giving us loans in cash?Fools’ GoldTake a look at the advertisements for your neighborhood payday or title lender, and you’ll probably find the word “cash†featured front-and-center. But with a society that’s becoming more and more cashless by the day, the promise of a cash loan is becoming less and less enticing. And it’s not like these loans don’t have their downsides, either. You might leave that storefront lender with a few hundred “new†dollars in yo ur wallet, but what’s it going to cost you when it’s time to pay that money back?Now that cash isnt what it used to be, here are some of the “fast cash loan†providers you’ll want to avoid:Payday Loans: Payday loans are unsecured, small-dollar loans available at storefronts or online. They usually come with short terms (only 14-days) and astronomically high Annual Percentage Rates (APRs)! Sure, you can walk out with cash, but many borrowers find themselves trapped in debt for almost 200 days per year! Learn more about Payday loans here.Title Loans: Selling your car is one thing, but using it to get a title loan is another. Title loans are cash loans secured with your auto title (or motorcycle, or boat). If you can’t repay the loan, the dealer can repossess your collateral (your car!). So along with those high-interest rates and extra fees, you also run the risk of losing your ride. Learn more about title loans here.Pawnshop Loans: You know that family heirloom you’ve b een entrusted with? If you want to keep it, avoiding pawnshops will help. Pawnshop loans require handing over a valuable piece of personal property to secure a small dollar cash loan. You get to leave the store with cash, but your property stays behind. If you fail to repay, your valuables will be sold to someone else (who frankly isn’t going to appreciate that Black Velvet Elvis painting correctly). Learn more about pawnshop loans here.Cash Advance: There are several different types of cash advance loans and none of them are good. To get a cash advance, you can either borrow against your credit card (at a higher than normal interest rate), try to secure a paycheck advance from your employer (an awkward conversation neither of you will enjoy), or pursue any number of the “cash advance†consumer loans available from storefront lenders. Skip the hassle, skip the pain, and skip “cash advances†altogether. Learn more about cash advances here.Cashing OutBorrowing money is a ser ious decision. It’s always advisable to do your research and make a responsible choice that’s based on your financial realityâ€"not the needs of the moment. While it might seem reasonable to take out a quick payday loan so you can have that cash in hand, isn’t there a better way? You bet there is.OppLoans personal installment loans are “cashlessâ€, meaning your loan will be deposited directly into your bank account. After a convenient online application process you can complete on your phone, computer or tablet, you could be approved for the loan you need almost immediately. And if you’re approved before 7:30 p.m. ET Mondayâ€"Friday, you’ll typically receive the money in your checking account by the next business day. If you do need hard cash, you can make a withdrawal from your bank or an ATM.It’s 2016 and the simple fact is cash is no longer king. You don’t need to be trapped by small-dollar, fast cash lenders. With options like OppLoans, there are better, smarter , safer ways.References: Kieler, Ashlee “Study confirms that most of us carry less than $50 cash† Retrieved September 12, 2016, from Holmes, Tamara “Payment Method Statistics† Retrieved September 12, 2016, from Overfelt, Maggie “Cash-only business owners risk $100 billion mistake† Retrieved September 12, 2016, from Saranow Schultz, Jennifer “The Mercahnts That dont Take Cash† Retrieved September 12, 2016, from
Thursday, May 21, 2020
Otherness Essay - 956 Words
Cheyanne Easter Processor: Temple English 066 1 October 2012 Otherness Everywhere you go you catch yourself either stereotyping or being stereotyped just by the simple she lives in a big house she must be rich or he’s Asian he must be good at math. Stereotyping is usually a negative habit on all human beings but it somehow weasels its way into social acceptance. Now, more than ever and somehow we end up accepting it with no concern. Allport (1954) theory was that thinking ill of others without warrant that people make their mind u without any personal experience. This pre judgment is worldwide it happens everywhere including every race white, black, Hispanic to what gender female or male. We are all human we†¦show more content†¦He explains that those type of stereotypes are the ones he has to live up to on a daily bases. You could relate this man’s experience with a young African American boy that was murdered because this man thought he was being â€Å"suspicious†. Trayvon Martin a 17 year old teenage that was shot for t he simple fact that he was a black male wearing a hoodie walking through a gated neighborhood. Federals say this could indeed be a hate crime. What went through George Zimmerman’s head to shoot this innocent boy was it the first time Zimmerman’s done such type of prejudgment on black males, no. At the very least, a situation of 46 emergency calls made by Zimmerman over the past six years documents his attentiveness about keeping his neighborhood safe and orderly. The calls include complaints about unruly people at the pool, potholes, dumped trash, and kids playing in the street. In recent months as the neighborhood saw an uptick in crime, including burglaries and a shooting, Zimmermans calls had focused on specific suspects, the majority of them young black males. Zimmerman assumptions about these people made them his target. Some people say that this doesn’t exist in current day society but this right here is a prime example. To willingly kill a young black k id due to the fact that he walked into this residence or for the simple fact that heShow MoreRelatedOtherness655 Words  | 3 PagesJasmin Mercado Miss DeLlamas AP Language 9 December 2012 The Otherness Otherness is the concept of one not meeting the requirements of fitting into the social norm. These people are then rejected and left alone because they are too unique for â€Å"normality†. Blanche and Susanna have several comparisons and they both make their own statements about â€Å"otherness†which leads to their delinquency and punishments. At first, Blanche expresses herself as a young, caring, honest, and innocent lady, butRead MoreAn Essay on Otherness884 Words  | 4 Pagescharacteristics possessed by the group, the Other is almost always seen as lesser or inferior being and is treated accordingly†(The Other, 2009). A group sets guidelines and if a person does not meet them they will not be accepted as â€Å"normal†. Otherness to a group represents awkwardness. Although each person does have its own unique characteristics to prevent from being labeled as the Other you must possess common characteristics within a group. I read â€Å"This Is What It Means To Say Phoenix, Arizona†Read MoreShakespeare otherness in othello1349 Words  | 6 Pagesï » ¿Michael Grey Paper #2 11/14/13 Shakespeare’s otherness in Othello Shakespeare when writing Othello uses many different underlying themes for the reader to try and pick up on. One of the biggest is otherness. Otherness is defined as the quality or condition of being other or different, especially if exotic or strange. Shakespeare throws at the reader some interesting topics to think about race, a handkerchief, feminism, and many more. All these different topics Shakespeare wants the readerRead MoreEmbrace The Otherness Essay1838 Words  | 8 PagesEmbrace the Otherness Over the course of anthropological history, a division among humans has been created that hierarchizes various groups of people per defining parts of their identities. A certain type of human became the standard and the other humans that did not fit this group were considered lesser and â€Å"other.†Across the centuries this specific group gained authority by subordinating those different from them and they essentially manufactured a power structure that serves to perpetuate theirRead MoreReligious Censorship Fuels Inequality and Otherness 2728 Words  | 11 Pagesnecessary to realize that by creating a highly-censorized society with regard to religion, censorship actually perpetuates the concept of otherness which ultimately is detrimental to the goals of creating a harmonious society. Censorship that exists within information provided by and the actions of the media and government help to shape dangerous ideas about otherness in those who do not share similar religious b eliefs. Even artwork is repressed in exploring what might be considered offensive subjectRead More Otherness in Euripides Bacchae and Soyinkas The Bacchae of Euripides789 Words  | 4 PagesOtherness in EuripidesBacchae and Soyinkas The Bacchae of Euripides  Both Euripides and Wole Soyinka are focused on a fundamental ethical imperative in their plays: welcome the stranger into your midst. Acceptance of Dionysus as a god, as an essence that will not exclude or be excluded, is stressed (Soyinka 1). Pentheus is punished severely for excluding, for refusing to acknowledge or submit to, Dionysus divine authority. In order to carve out a place for himself (in the pantheon, inRead MoreThe Idea Of Otherness Has Played A Large Part Of Latin Christian Society1969 Words  | 8 Pages The idea of ‘otherness’ has played a large role in Western Europe throughout history, with â€Å"those who would not or could not blend into the majority†being targeted, as the dominant group shaped perceptions and beliefs. The persecution of minorities became a large part of Latin Christian society in the middle ages. Those who were different from the ‘norm,’ or those who did not fit into the Church’s concept of an ideal society, were branded as ‘others’ and viewed with increasing suspicion throughoutRead MoreThe Legacy Of Colonialism Essay1372 Words  | 6 PagesOtherness has been the unsettling concept in the legacy of colonialism. The difference that one exerts on the other is very powerful in various ways. This is especially true when it reveals itself in presidential campaigns. The 1960s politically was particularly ugly, when one considering the fragments of pro-segregation resistance in the face of a popular civil rights movement that was taking off as a result of the racism that permeated. Otherness became its own way of separating groups of peopleRead MoreTopic . The Goals Of My Research Strive To Assess The Biopolitical1457 Words  | 6 Pages Topic The goals of my research strive to assess the biopolitical construction of a socially embedded hierarchy of otherness in Singapore, with specific regards to its impact on the reproduction of low-skilled migrant workers. More concretely, this essay seeks to address the restriction and stratification of reproduction amongst low-skilled migrant workers in Singapore, illuminating and analyzing the key structural factors that contribute to this reality. As fertility levels in developed nationsRead MoreThe 2009 Twilight Film Directed By Catherine Hardwicke947 Words  | 4 Pageslike Edward marks a distinct shift in the representation of otherness in contemporary vampire films. The concept of otherness lines in the central of demarcation between monstrosity and being normal (or being socially accepted) in horror films. It has been contended that representations of the monstrous characters have developed from â€Å"exotic otherness†(such as the Count Dracula who lives in a distant country), to rather close-to-life otherness in post-modern horror films (for example the undead serial
Wednesday, May 6, 2020
Equal Pay Act 1970 Equality And Diversity - 963 Words
Equality To me this means treating everyone with respect and fairness whilst recognising their individual needs. Diversity Recognising, valuing and acknowledging difference and similarity. Inclusion Providing opportunities to everyone, in its simplest term it is the ‘state of being included’. The Equality act 2010 replaced nine primary legislations and over 100 bits of secondary legislation to make it simpler to understand and ensure that everyone is treated fairly and brings together a number of previous legislations including the: †¢ Equal Pay Act 1970 †¢ Sex Discrimination Act 1975 †¢ Race Relations Act 1976 †¢ Disability Discrimination Act 1995 †¢ Employment Equality (Religion or Belief) Regulations 2003 †¢ Employment Equality (Sexual†¦show more content†¦From another perspective, it is only in recent years that I have been honest with potential employers during the recruitment process as I had experienced discrimination upon disclosure in previous applications. Even today I am still cautious as to the point of should I or when I disclose my disability especially as I am also in the older workers category which on its own is prone to discrimination. Vedas recruitment training are a ‘disability confident’ employer which means we positively engage with persons who may normally feel excluded from applying for our vacancies by using a range of application techniques and advertising in a wide range of places not normally used. The workforce is naturally diverse and closely represent the social makeup of the community therefore doesn’t need positive discrimination. Within Vedas Recruitment Training the policies relating to equality, diversity and inclusion are not specifically measured in terms of performance of employees. One incidents of unfair treatment occurred within Vedas Recruitment Training which came about when one individual was promised a promotion should a bid be successful. This caused resentment in others who felt theyShow MoreRelatedManaging Diversity Within An Organization1674 Words  | 7 PagesManaging Diversity is often defined as a â€Å"management philosophy of recognising and valuing heterogeneity in organisations with a view to improve organisational performance†(Ozbilgin and Tatli, 2011). Hence recognising the wide variety of qualities possessed by people within an organisation and creating an environment that understands, values and utilises the differences within people. Due to the rapidly growing trends of a more diverse workforce, diverse market and globalisations of businesses,Read MoreUnti 12 Nvq Leve l 3 Health and Social Care803 Words  | 4 PagesNVQ level 3 unit 12 Outcome 1 1.1 a) diversity is the differences between people based on culture, ethnic origin, nationality, gender, race, religion, beliefs, age, ability, sexual orientation etc. b) equality is giving everyone equal opportunities and treating everyone fairly but not the same. c) inclusion is including everyone in the activity and not leaving anyone out. d) discrimination is being prejudice about certain factors of someones life such as gender, sexual orientation, raceRead MoreChampion equality, diversity and inclusion1712 Words  | 7 PagesChampion equality, diversity and inclusion    1.1 Explain the models of practice that underpin equality, diversity and inclusion in own area of responsibility. Equality is to treat all as individuals; to respect race, disability, age, gender, religion, beliefs ,culture and sexual orientation. For all to be open to opportunities, to be treated fairly and respectfully, have rights and equal status in society and for all to reach their full potential. Diversity is to value that we are all uniqueRead MorePromote Equality and Inclusion in Health and Social Care Task 303763 Words  | 4 PagesPromote equality and inclusion in health and social care 303 task bi Induction information leaflet. The Equality Act is a legislation that is in place to ensure that people are given equal rights and opportunities regardless of their age, gender, disability, race, religion or belief and sexual orientation. This legislation promotes diversity, equality and inclusion by making it a requirement that they are commonly practiced and incorporated into the health and social care setting, makingRead MorePRINCIPLES OF DIVERSITY, EQUALITY AND INCLUSION IN ADULT SOCIAL CARE SETTINGS863 Words  | 4 Pagesï » ¿Unit 303: PRINCIPLES OF DIVERSITY, EQUALITY AND INCLUSION IN ADULT SOCIAL CARE SETTINGS. 1.1 Diversity means difference. Diversity recognises that though people have things in common they are also different and unique in other ways. Diversity is about recognising these differences and valuing them. Diversity is in the form of visible bind, non-visible differences which include personal characteristics such as background, culture, personality and race disability, age, gender belief and religionRead MoreEssay on Unit 3683 Words  | 3 Pagesmeant by: Diversity? Diversity means although people differ from each other it is accepting this difference and its value that brings richness and variety to society. Equality? Equality is about each person being equal and entitled to their rights and being treated the same regardless of their age, gender or religion Inclusion? The aim of inclusion is to embrace all people irrespective of age, race, gender, and disability, medical or other need. It is about giving equal access andRead MoreDiversity in the Workplace1452 Words  | 6 PagesIntroduction As a general statement diversity refers to the prevention of discrimination in conjunction with the improvement of equality. It’s about valuing differences and inclusion; this is the act of spanning such areas as ethnicity, age, race, culture, sexual orientation, physical disability and religious beliefs. In a global marketplace diversity is theorised as a corporation that employs a diverse workforce in that includes both genders, people of many generations and those from ethnicallyRead MoreUnit 4222-303 Promote equality and inclusion in health, social care or children’s and young people’s settings Outcome 1: Understand the importance of diversity, equality and inclusion1112 Words  | 5 PagesUnit 4222-303 Promote equality and inclusion in health, social care or children’s and young people’s settings Outcome 1: Understand the importance of diversity, equality and inclusion 1. Explain what is meant by: Diversity – In the literal sense the word ‘diversity’ means different. Through diversity we recognise the uniqueness of the individual and value these differences. Diversity can consist of factors which include personal characteristics such as background, culture, personality and work-styleRead MoreSch 33 Equality and Inclusion in Health Essay1552 Words  | 7 PagesSHC 33 Promote Equality and Inclusion in Health, Social Care or Children’s and Young People’s Settings 1. Explain what is meant by: Diversity Equality Inclusion Mean by Diversity the differences between individuals and groups in society arising from gender, ethnic origins, social, cultural or religious background, family structure, disabilities, sexuality and appearance. Our society is made up of people with a wide range of characteristics. Where people vary in a multitude of ways, includingRead MoreLevel 5 Health and Social Care 503 Essay1458 Words  | 6 PagesUNIT 503 Learning outcome Understand diversity, equality and inclusion in own area of responsibility 1.1.1 There are two models that link with equality, diversity and inclusion, the first one is the social model of disability which views discrimination and prejudice as being embedded in today’s society, their attitude’s and their surrounding environment. The social model focuses on who the adult is as person not what their disability or diagnosis is, the focus is on how to improve and empower
Blood Lab Free Essays
Unit 10: Blood/Immunology Case Study Lab What were your three diagnoses? 1. Case 1: normal blood smear 2. Case 2: acute lymphocytic anemia 3. We will write a custom essay sample on Blood Lab or any similar topic only for you Order Now Case 3: mononucleosis Journal Questions for lab 1. In what ways do normal red and white blood cells differ? Red blood cells are easier to see under high levels of a microscope and white blood cells are better seen under low levels. Also white blood cells are used to fight off infections as for red blood cells carry oxygen throughout the body. 2. Which type of white blood cell would you expect to be most common in a normal blood smear? Neutrophils 3. A differential count of white blood cells from a patient gave the absolute number of lymphocytes as 8000 per mm3 and the total number of white blood cells as 12,000 per mm3. Calculate the percentage of lymphocytes in this sample of white blood cells. Is this a normal or abnormal percentage? Explain your answer. 8000/12000*100= 66. 67% and normal lymphocytes ranges from 20% to 40% I would conclude it to be a little about average. 4. Describe the difference between a communicable disease and an inherited disease. Use examples you have studied in this exploration to support your description. A communicable disease is an infectious disease that can be transmitted from person to person. An inherited disease is passes down to a human by genetics. An example of a communicable disease is mononucleosis that is transmitted through people’s saliva and a inherited disease would be sickle cell anemia. 5. Why are white blood cells in a stained blood smear usually counted at low power under a microscope? Explain your answer. Because they have nuclei and when looked through a low powered microscope they appear as blue dots. 6. Why is the presence of a larger than normal number of neutrophils indicative of an infection? Explain your answer. Because neutrophils are responsible for destroying infectious agents in the body. So when an infection is present it makes sense to see more neutrophils to fight off the infection agents. 7. Why would you not expect to see tissue macrophages in a blood smear? Explain your answer. Macrophages move within the tissue so when taking a blood smear tissue will be present. How to cite Blood Lab, Essay examples Blood Lab Free Essays Blood Lab Report Introduction A blood experiment was performed testing four different patients blood to find out their specific blood types. Blood types are categorized in four blood groups based upon the antigen ( proteins on the surface of blood cells that can cause a response from the immune system) (â€Å"Rh factor†2006) on the surface of the red blood cell. The blood groups are A, B, AB and O, names which are broken down from the ABO blood group system. We will write a custom essay sample on Blood Lab or any similar topic only for you Order Now Although simulated blood was used for the experiment a standard blood typing outcome was still obtained. After conducting the experiment I was able to identify each patients blood type by comparing the antigens and antibodies found within the blood. Materials and Methods Simulated blood, plastic slides, and antiserum were the materials used to perform this experiment. In order to specify each patients blood type it was necessary to place two drops of the simulated blood in each well on the plastic slide labeled A, B, and Rh. After dropping the blood into the specified wells the appropriate antiserum was added to determine the blood type. The three antiserums A, B and Rh were placed accordingly to the matching blood type on the slide, a toothpick was used to mixed the the two together, if agglutination occurred a positive result was indicated. If all three wells on the slide were without agglutination the blood type of the specific individual was identified as O. By concluding which antigens are present in the blood I was also able to figure out which antibodies are present. The antibodies in the blood attack the foreign red blood cells by binding to them. For example type A blood has A antigens and B antibodies, the B antibodies are ready to attack or destroy B antigens (since those antigens would be foreign in this particular persons red blood cells). (â€Å"Blood typing,†2001) Results The results of the experiment yielded four different blood types. Mr. Green’s blood type is AB+, Ms. Brown is O-, Mr. Smith is A+ and Mr. Jones has a B- blood type. The chart below depicts exactly how I came to these results†¦.. Individual Antigens Antibodies Donate Receive Outcome present present to: from: blood type: 1. Mr. Green A, B, Rh None AB+ universal AB+ . Ms. Brown None A, B, Rh universal O- O- 3. Mr. Smith A, Rh B A+, AB+ O+,O-,A+,A- A+ 4. Mr. Jones B A, Rh B+,B-,AB+,AB- O-,B- B- Discussion The first individual Mr. Green had antigens A, B and Rh present but no antibodies present thus concluding Mr. Green had AB+ type blood. AB+ blood can only be donated to those with the same blood type but can be recipient of any blood t ype (universal recipient). The second individual tested was Ms. Brown, her tests results indicated she had no antigens present on her blood which means she has antibodies A, B, and Rh in her blood. Ms. Brown’s blood type is O- making her a universal donor but can only be a recipient of O- blood during a transfusion. The third individual Mr. Smith had the presence of antigens A and Rh and antibodies B within his blood. Mr. Smith’s blood type is A+. People with A+ blood can only be a donor to people with A+ and AB+ blood, but can receive from blood types O+, O-, A+ and A-. The fourth and last individual tested was Mr. Jones his tests concluded he has B- type blood. Those results came from finding B antigens present as well antibodies A and Rh within his blood. Mr. Jones can donate blood to people with B+, B-, AB+ and AB- blood. He is however only to receive blood from people with O- and B- blood types. Although none of the individuals tested had an O+ blood type it is considered to be the most common blood type. ( American Red Cross) The testing was done very carefully and strategically but does not mean that the results could not yield from a possible error. Errors could have occurred from mixing to much antiserum with the respected blood types giving a false outcome. An error could also happen from not mixing serums well enough to get agglutination leading to the conclusion that the antigen was not present in the blood. According to all the data obtained I feel each individuals’ blood type was identified properly and carefully utilizing all materials and methods required. Answers from questions in lab book: Based on what has been observed I think the antiserum contain antibodies against specific antigens located within the simulated blood. The blood type considered to be the universal donor is O- and the universal recipient is AB+. I believe that not all people with Rh negative blood have the antibodies for Rh positive blood but, I do think that your body is able to produce them when needed. A perfect example is an Rh negative woman who becomes pregnant with an Rh positive baby. A woman body may produce antibodies in response to the Rh positive baby. â€Å"If a small amount of the baby’s blood mixes with your blood, which often happens, your body may respond as if it were allergic to the baby. Your body may make antibodies to the Rh antigens in the baby’s blood. This means you have become sensitized and your antibodies can cross the placenta and attack your baby’s blood. They break down the fetus’s red blood cells and produce anemia (the blood has a low number of red blood cells). This condition is called hemolytic disease or hemolytic anemia. It can become severe enough to cause serious illness, brain damage, or even death in the fetus or newborn. †(â€Å"Rh Factor†2006). The game online helped to demonstrate, even more, how important it is to be precise when figuring out someone blood type. Giving the wrong blood type to a patient during a transfusion or even surgery could lead to their death. Works Cited.. American Red Cross, . Blood types. Retrieved from HYPERLINK â€Å"http://www. givelife2. org/aboutblood/bloodtypes. asp†http://www. ivelife2. org/ aboutblood/bloodtypes. asp (2001, December 3). Blood typing. Retrieved from HYPERLINK â€Å"http:/nobelprize. org/educational_games/medicine/landsteiner/readmore. html†http://nobelprize. org/ educational_games/medicine/landsteiner/readmore. html (2006, April). Rh factor: . Retrieved from HYPERLINK â€Å"http://www. americanpregnancy. org/pregnancycomplications/rhfactor. html†http: www. americanpregnancy. org/ pregnancycomplications/rhfactor. html VanPutte, Regan, Russo, . (2009). Seeley’s essential of anatomy physiology. New York, Ny: McGraw-Hill. How to cite Blood Lab, Papers
Sunday, April 26, 2020
The Living And The Dead Essay Research free essay sample
The Living And The Dead Essay, Research Paper Most Hated Father In the book, The Living and The Dead, by Sharon Olds the writer makes writes verse forms about her position on images of life and decease and what she associates each with. This anthology seems to be largely influenced by her household, from her hated male parent and gramps, to her turning kids. Olds finds inspiration to tie in life and decease with her relatives.In The Living and The Dead Sharon Olds breaks the book into subdivisions, get downing first with a subdivision on the dead, with subdivisions on public and household verse forms. In the public subdivision one verse form that stood out to me was entitled The Death of Marilyn Monroe, for it embodied everything about the adult female that I have of all time heard about her. Miss Monroe is spoken of by work forces from her clip as being an angel, and otherworldly, and this verse form shows the consequence that her dead organic structure had on two work forces who removed her organic structure. We will write a custom essay sample on The Living And The Dead Essay Research or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page In the verse form, the work forces are non sad that Marilyn Monroe is dead, but they are in awe that they got to see her beauty right before their eyes. It affected these work forces for the remainder of their lives, so much so that other adult females, populating adult females still could non be her to them. No 1 could fit her to them.The chief characters of the verse form in this book semen from, presumptively the writer? s household. In the subdivision on the Dead, Olds writes several verse forms ; The Guild, The Eye, and All The Dead That Have Come to Me, This Once about how she hated her gramps. The Guild Tells of her memories of her male parent as a immature college adult male sitting by the fire with his male parent, imbibing their drinks, and sharing secrets of life. The verse form is laced with a strong bitterness for her gramps, fundamentally faulting him for the manner that her male parent would subsequently handle her. She calls her male parent an learner, one wh o is larning the ways, as she says of limbo , on how to be a barbarous individual from his male parent. The Guild is in a sense the transition of cognition from one adult male, a male parent to another adult male, a boy. The Eye is about a follow-up to The Guild, because it is about the talker? s gramps, the adult male the talker loathes. The rubric refers to the fact that the gramps has a glass oculus ( stated in both The Guild and The Eye ) . She sees her gramps as a heartless adult male, one whom her male parent would follow his atrocious ways. Her gramps had no job with seting an empty home base in forepart of a kid for dinner, he would turn the visible radiations out on the kids when they would seek to read, etc. She talks about how she pictured him at Ni ght, asleep with his married woman, with one oculus unfastened, merely a black nothingness projected from him of immorality. The image of the glass oculus and of him being a bad adult male may be a analogue on the belief in the evil oculus. It is believed by some that people who have been disfigured can be marked by the evil oculus, and are capable of evil things, including being a barbarous individual. The fact that he has a glass oculus in some manner means that he is disfigured, and that when he sleeps he merely has a clean stare suggest something is wrong.The last verse form in this trilogy of hate for her gramps the talker is stating of how she hopes that her gramps is dead. The talker states that she has neer wished for anyone to be dead, but when intelligence came to her that something had happened to her gramps, she wished that he were so gone. She thought of some of the atrocious things that he had done to her. These three verse forms do non follow any peculiar signifier ; t hey do non rime, and they don? Ts have any set construction ( stanza? s, line interruptions, etc. ) , they are merely narrations on her feelings towards her gramps. Her kids inspire several of the verse forms in the subdivision on the life, and all are written with a really clear pride in them. Rite of Passage is about her boy holding a birthday party. Building off of the thought of work forces being work forces she negotiations of her small boy and his friends as being small generals, little bankers, moving all large and braggart with each other. His rite of transition is that of going and moving like a adult male. Her boy is the believing one in the group of six and seven twelvemonth olds. While they are all contending with each other over who can crush up who, her boy ends the battle by conveying up something that all of them can hold on, naming their attending to a common enemy, biennial olds. He is in charge of his military personnels. In Pre-Adolescent in Spring Olds write s about her girl as a miss before she starts to go a adult female. Her girl is sucking on ice regular hexahedrons in the warm springtime conditions runing it in her oral cavity as her female parent describes all that is about to go on to her girl ( this is done as a storyteller ) and the thaw ice regular hexahedron is symbolic of what is traveling on inside her girl. She has been frozen, but is about to run and interrupt out. This is a drama on the thought of a non-sexual adult female as being frozen, and of a sexual adult female as being hot. In her book, The Living and the Dead Sharon Olds writes about her household, who are either life or now dead or is associated as one or the other by her. From her grandparents, she draws on decease, and on her kids she draws on life. That is that the life rhythm goes, old=death, young=life, plangency. 334
Wednesday, March 18, 2020
A Scene I Will Never Forget Essay Example
A Scene I Will Never Forget Essay Example A Scene I Will Never Forget Essay A Scene I Will Never Forget Essay Have you ever been to wedding that Just makes you want to cry and say I am so happy for you? I did and that was when my sister got married a year ago. This was like a fairytale but even better. As my sister was getting ready for her wedding. My mother was going around taking pictures of everybody that was going to be In her wedding. It was Like everyone was running around like a chicken with their heads cut off. Everyone was doing their hair and make-up and it was as If they did not know which way to go because everyone wanted to look their best In my sisters wedding. Once that part was over with It was time to head out to the Thompson House to have a wedding. When we got their all the bridesmaid and the bride ran upstairs to get there dresses on, so that they could take pictures before the wedding started. All the bridesmaids looked beautiful. I thought that this wedding was going to turn out pretty good. When everyone got to the wedding, it was time to start. The groomsmen walked the parents down the aisle, then it was the ring barrier and the lower girls turn to walk out. After that, it was the bridesmaids and groomsmen turn to walk out. Finally y sister came out she looked gorgeous. The groom looked as if he wanting to cry and his eyes were going to pop right out of his head. Once the I dos where said it was time to catch the bouquet. My sister and my new brother in law had their dance and then my dad and sister had their dance. I loved seeing my sister so happy. It was like fantasy that came right out of a book, but this one was for real. I never thought that a wedding could have made someone cry about something so beautiful and happy. It sure made me do both. Overall the wedding was amazing and I will never forget it happened.
Monday, March 2, 2020
How to Tell If an Element Is Paramagnetic or Diamagnetic
How to Tell If an Element Is Paramagnetic or Diamagnetic Materials may be classified as ferromagnetic, paramagnetic, or diamagnetic based on their response to an external magnetic field. Ferromagnetism is a large effect, often greater than that of the applied magnetic field, that persists even in the absence of an applied magnetic field. Diamagnetism is a property that opposes an applied magnetic field, but its very weak. Paramagnetism is stronger than diamagnetism but weaker than ferromagnetism. Unlike ferromagnetism, paramagnetism does not persist once the external magnetic field is removed because thermal motion randomizes the ​electron spin orientations. The strength of paramagnetism is proportional to the strength of the applied magnetic field. Paramagnetism occurs because electron orbits form current loops that produce a magnetic field and contribute a magnetic moment. In paramagnetic materials, the magnetic moments of the electrons dont completely cancel each other out. How Diamagnetism Works All materials are diamagnetic. Diamagnetism occurs when orbital electron motion forms tiny current loops, which produce magnetic fields. When an external magnetic field is applied, the current loops align and oppose the magnetic field. Its an atomic variation of Lenzs law, which states induced magnetic fields oppose the change that formed them. If the atoms have a net magnetic moment, the resulting paramagnetism overwhelms the diamagnetism. Diamagnetism is also overwhelmed when long-range ordering of atomic magnetic moments produces ferromagnetism. So paramagnetic materials are also diamagnetic, but because paramagnetism is stronger, that is how they are classified. Its worth noting, any conductor exhibits strong diamagnetism in the presence of a changing magnetic field because circulating currents will oppose magnetic field lines. Also, any superconductor is a perfect diamagnet because there is no resistance to the formation of current loops. You can determine whether the net effect in a sample is diamagnetic or paramagnetic by examining the electron configuration of each element. If the electron subshells are completely filled with electrons, the material will be diamagnetic because the magnetic fields cancel each other out. If the electron subshells are incompletely filled, there will be a magnetic moment and the material will be paramagnetic. Paramagnetic vs Diamagnetic Example Which of the following elements would be expected to be paramagnetic? Diamagnetic? HeBeLiN Solution All of the electrons are spin-paired in diamagnetic elements so their subshells are completed, causing them to be unaffected by magnetic fields. Paramagnetic elements are strongly affected by magnetic fields because their subshells are not completely filled with electrons. To determine whether the elements are paramagnetic or diamagnetic, write out the electron configuration for each element. He: 1s2 subshell is filledBe: 1s22s2 subshell is filledLi: 1s22s1 subshell is not filledN: 1s22s22p3 subshell is not filled Answer Li and N are paramagnetic.He and Be are diamagnetic. The same situation applies to compounds as to elements. If there are unpaired electrons, they will cause an attraction to an applied magnetic field (paramagnetic). If there are no unpaired electrons, there will be no attraction to an applied magnetic field (diamagnetic). An example of a paramagnetic compound would be the coordination complex [Fe(edta)3]2-. An example of a diamagnetic compound would be NH3.
Saturday, February 15, 2020
Malware Forensic Computing Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2500 words
Malware Forensic Computing - Assignment Example Computer forensics or cyber forensics is a very imperative topic in information systems and networks management. Forensics is the structured procedure of gathering, examining and showing facts and evidences to the court of law, and thus, forensic computing is defined as â€Å"the discipline that combines elements of law and computer science to collect and analyze data from computer systems, networks, wireless communications, and storage devices in a way that is admissible as evidence in a court of law†(US-CERT 2008). This involves the seeking, locating and securing the electronic data so as to provide evidence. This electronic or magnetically encoded data may include text messages, databases, pictures, e-mail, websites, spyware, malware, and so on. The evidence collected is strong and indisputable as compared to any other branch of forensic science because a copy that is made of the collected data is identical to the actual data and there is no room left for dispute. The whol e concept revolves around the idea that a structured investigation is carried out to find out what exactly happened to the computer, when it happened, how it happened, and who did it. This is just like solving a murder case and performing postmortem. The operator does not know that the evidence information is transparently being created and stored by the computer’s operating system which can only be extracted through computer forensics software tools and techniques. ... The crimes include misuse of computer systems, attack on computer systems, using a computer system to work against another system, failure of a computer system, and the list continues. Computer forensics security solutions focus not only on recovery but also on prevention of security threats in order to provide securer solutions that are quicker and cheaper than the conventional techniques. These solutions include intrusion detection system (IDS), internet security system, biometric security system, net privacy system, firewall set-ups, network disaster security system, identity theft prevention system, identity management security system, and so on (Vacca 2005: 146). 2.2. Malware Forensics Malware is the malicious code that computer intruders use to do a cyber attack, and malware forensics is the forensic computing techniques used by the investigators to detect and analyze this malicious code or malware (Ligh et al. 2010). Since cyber attackers are becoming increasingly aware if com puter forensics techniques, they are designing much more sophisticated malicious codes that are at times hard to detect and analyze. Casey, Malin and Aquilina (2008) state that â€Å"By employing techniques that thwart reverse engineering, encode and conceal network traffic, and minimize the traces left on file system, malicious code developers are making both discovery and forensic analysis both difficult.†2.2.1. Types of Malware The most common instances of malware are the viruses, worms, Trojan horses, scareware, and exploits. Viruses get installed in the computer files through email scams, websites, downloads, etc. Worms work the same way as viruses. Scareware is a malware that
Sunday, February 2, 2020
Incident Command System Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words - 1
Incident Command System - Essay Example Common terminology pertains to the use of standard terms during disasters where every responding personnel understand one another because they have the same jargon or language which describes organizational functions, facilities, resources and position titles (FEMA, n.d). Modular organization is a description of the incident command organizational structure that is top-down in style. This kind of organizational structure is flexible to accommodate the magnitude and difficulty of the disaster. Management by objectives is the development of goals during the operation process that is practical, measurable and achievable; this is in relation to having reliance on an incident action plan (IAP) that provides means of communicating operational and support objectives (FEMA, n.d). Chain of command and unity of command entails reporting to one supervisor or head only to avoid overlapping of orders that may come from various heads or supervisors at different levels. Unified command on the other hand allows multiple agencies with different functions to work as a team irregardless of respective agency influence and accountability. Manageable span of control sets a limit to the number of personnel a supervisor can handle in an ICS, which is three (3) to seven (7) people only. Predesignated incident locations and facilities are the sites established to house operational and support facilities that can be found within the area of the disaster or incident. New locations or sites can be made as needed. Resource management includes the overall resources needed within the disaster vicinity in terms of ordering, tracking and recovery (FEMA, n.d). Information and intelligence management refers to the procedures for the management of information related to the incident. Integrated communications is the process of establishing a standard and interoperable communication system within the ICS. Transfer of command pertains to the transfer of command responsibilities that includes proper briefing of all pertinent information so that the operation can go on efficiently (FEMA, n.d). Accountability depicts following the standard operating procedures needed within an ICS. This includes reporting to receive assignments based on protocol by the incident commander; followed by adhering to the outlined IAP where every responder will be assigned under one supervisor only, who will also account for the changes in resource status. And last but not the least is mobilization where needed personnel and equipment at a disaster site will respond only as needed and directed (FEMA, n.d). As an incident commander for the disaster that occurred in Japan, I will first and foremost set up an appropriate location for the incident command center. Then I will make a preliminary estimate of the number of people and the type of facilities as well as equipment that is needed on site. Before any actual operation starts all responders will be given a list that contains common words or terms to b e used in communications. After which, I will assign all responders to their respective supervisors limiting three people only under one supervisor who will give their specific duties to perform. As the operation progresses, I will collate all
Saturday, January 25, 2020
Irwin Shaws The Girls in Their Summer Dresses Essay -- Girls Summer D
Irwin Shaw's The Girls in Their Summer Dresses In The Girls in Their Summer Dresses, it is necessary to explore the personal differences that cause problems in the relationship of the couple. The details of the story will lead to a conclusion that for Michael the relationship could just be a mere convenience or an affection solely generated by his physical wanting of Frances, so with the way she looks and appreciates the girls of New York. Frances calling the Stevensons shows her attitude which is passivity and lack of idealism to confront the relationship with his husband. She is going to call the Stevensons because, she and her husband have nothing more to discuss about. Michael?s way of looking on women as mere bodies could suggest a kind of degradation?which is to define a woman only as an erotic or sexual figure. There is an irony in the relationship of the couple which is the bloodless horror from the truth expressed that somehow the things are not, and never have been, what they used to pretend about themselves. It is clear in the details with Frances that she had an initial feeling of insignificance and she wanted to be loved and acknowledged by her husband. The sentence, ?I?d do any damn thing for you? points to a certain desire to be recognized as a good wife because of some degree of sensitivity that a man is needed in the family as the head and without him everything is nothing. The ?desire to please her husband? could also be attributed to lib...
Thursday, January 16, 2020
The Real Harajuku: Japanese Youth’s Unique Self-Expression
Years ago, a group of Japanese young people started hanging out at the Harajuku district. These trendsetting youth go there with their unexplainable fashion sense (Bartlett). The Harajuku fashion is just really so different because anything can be possible (Craft 26) and it is all about â€Å"creativity, theatricality, style, confidence, looking cute, and mixing and matching†(Knight). This was all made possible due to the fact that the youth still stayed at their parents’ home and their fathers provided them with the money they use up, meaning they can shop for whatever they wanted. Although it may seem that girls are the only ones fond of these kinds of things, young men in Japan also like shopping and dressing up at Harajuku (Mead). The trendsetting youth had changed a normal neighborhood into a fashion capital (Johnson 14) and it has been said to be in the same class as the 1920s of Paris. Loic Bizel said, â€Å"The French are very poor in terms of fashion, in terms of creativity, compared to Japan†(Craft 26). â€Å"Visitors come to Harajuku to see and be seen†(Joerger). A lot of people can get ideas and be influenced by the trends the youth set there (McCaughan 28). It has been well known that even though the district changed its name into Jingu-Mae, it is still known as Harajuku (Kubo 38). Harajuku has truly been recognized worldwide and outsiders tend to draw their own conclusions about it. Some people think badly of Harajuku, while others simply do not fully grasp the real concept of it. People who do not really understand the concept tend to make up their own explanations or tend to do things that they think are good but are actually not. Taking a deeper look into their culture can lead us to better decipher that it is all about the youth expressing themselves and somewhat escaping from reality. The youth go to Harajuku during the weekends wearing their own unique ensembles. They might seem like they just randomly put things on but they actually follow certain rules and guidelines. They have a sense of order (Kubo 39). â€Å"Japan is a place where everyone is individual – but in groups†(Knight). Their outfits greatly vary from all the kinds of getups that they have created. Included in these are â€Å"cyber-punk, Lolita fashion [inspired by the Victorian era], kawaii [cute], punk, ganguro [symbolizes a California girl with bleached hair, dark skin, fake eyelashes, and nails], cosplay [most common name for â€Å"costume players†or those who dress up like Japanes animated characters], hiphop, skater and visual-kei [style of bands]†(Rockers). Their clothing can vary from shades of black to shades of bright colors and from plain fabrics to all kinds of different prints. They also change their hairstyles and hair color and they also put on makeup. They truly aimed to look different from the rest in their attempt to fit in with the others (Mah). Because of how some of the youth dress up, outsiders think of the Harajuku youth as rebellious delinquents (Kubo 41). Since some of their outfits tend to be out of this world, some people are inclined to compare them to the London punks who loafed around at Trafalgar Square. The thing is that these London punks are these young people who act the way they dress. They can be aloof, disrespectful, irresponsible and such, which does not really give justice to the Harajuku youth (Knight). Also, the way the singer, Gwen Stefani, introduced the Harajuku Girls in Hollywood led others to think of the original ones as â€Å"rebellious, underground, subversive, and rule-breaking†kinds of youth (Kubo 41). It has also been said that the youth are â€Å"devoid of perseverance, dependent upon others, and self-centered†(Cho). â€Å"Everyone imposes their own interpretation on the Harajuku girls – sees them through their tinted lenses†(Kubo 41). In contrary to what outsiders may think, the Harajuku youth are kind, respectful and accommodating towards other people (Kubo). They undergo complete transformations when they go there. However, their looks do not dictate the way they act. They are actually nice and considerate, even though they are wearing their somewhat unconventional getups (Harden). The Japanese youth are clean and responsible. Their clothes do not define their attitudes as they can simply take off these getups that they put on (Knight). They might also seem antisocial, but they are actually easy to approach (Kubo). The so-called Tokyo punks are well behaved, having their pictures taken with visitors and most of them, if not all, do not have vises like smoking or such that the London punks have (Mead). Also, they are quite considerate towards other people. In Harden’s article, the youth that he mentioned there were careful so that they do not displease other people who ride the train with them or people they are with when they commute. Because of Harajuku’s popularity, others are starting to use its name in wrong ways. A very controversial and probably well-known example of this would be Gwen Stefani’s Harajuku Girls. â€Å"She's taken Tokyo hipsters, sucked them [Harajuku grils] dry of all their street cred, and turned them into China dolls. she's swallowed a subversive youth culture in Japan and barfed up another image of submissive giggling Asian women. While aping a style that's suppose to be about individuality and personal expression, Stefani ends up being the only one who stands out†(Ahn). A photographer, Van Meene, also produced photographs that showed a â€Å"sexualized image of schoolgirls,†which is contrary to the sweet, adorable or cute look that some of them portray (Ahn). In addition to the misuse of Harajuku, big brand stores are opening up in the district, which may cause it to lose its very identity. Patrick Macias talks about Harajuku possibly getting â€Å"a major makeover via globalization. †Some of its gained popularity might not turn out to be a good thing. Some foreign clothing companies are beginning to open up stores in the Harajuku district. This can very likely mar the identity of Harajuku. â€Å"The special atmosphere of this place might be lost. †If people would just go here just to buy branded items like Prada, Gucci, or such, they could have might as well shopped in some other place. Also, nothing would set them apart from other societies anymore. Despite their unbelievable taste in fashion and the popular stores opening in their area, the Harajuku youth are not â€Å"simply slaves to a label. †They splurge a lot of money to look different from the rest. A lot of companies produce only small quantities of their products so that their merchandise would be seen as unique or some limited edition item that most people want. Some merchandise can become very expensive one day and cheaper a few days later. â€Å"These outfits are†¦an expression of an authentic Japanese experience†(Mead). What people like and dislike can change really quickly, which can cause stores to close down (Fulford). Brands or labels do not dominate the market of the Japanese youth, but rather, the youth controls what stores should put out and sell (Knight). One thing that probably induced the youth to dress up so differently was the uniforms they wore – they needed an escape from it all. They acquired a tendency to want to step out of the box. â€Å"Parading after hours in Harajuku is an antidote to the straitjacket conventions of weekday life. †This is like a way of showing that they can be distinct from all the others. The Japanese are more of traditionalists and they are quite strict about rules and order (Craft 26). They break free from this by going out to Harajuku and dressing the way they wanted to. They can wear anything they want and it can be anything at all. This makes it a little difficult to quite say what exactly they do there (Bartlett). They can mix all kinds of different things and make it look good (Ahn). They can look however they want to and it can be different every time. â€Å"Harajuku is perhaps the one place on Earth where every day is like Halloween†(Craft 26). â€Å"Harajuku had become a place to be seen, not a place to live in†where mostly young people flock to during the weekends (Johnson). During the weekends, they put on these getups that would seem absurd to some people, but they return to their normal lives when they leave (Johnson). They wear normal clothes and live normal lives throughout the weekdays. They can be set apart from the way they dress during the weekends and the way they dress during the rest of the week (Knight). They go to school and help around the house. This is a factor why the youth do not become irresponsible delinquents. Some parents allow them to dress up any way they wanted, but they were not allowed to wear it around the neighborhood (Kubo 40). The Harajuku fashion is merely for looks and pleasure. â€Å"The Japanese are fanatical about fashion in the way that the Brazilians are about soccer or the Germans are about cleanliness†(Mead). They can mix all kinds of different things and make it look good (Ahn). They feel delighted when other people take pleasure in what they are wearing. The youth, who actively participate with the gathering in the Harajuku district every weekend, sometimes commute for really long hours just to get there. They do not even mind waking up and traveling so long just to go to Harajuku. They feel a form of sensation from all the other people who look at them and admire their own styles (Harden). The real Harajuku girls were thought of as mere rebellious delinquents, while all they really want to do is make a difference. They simply like the feeling of dressing up and having other people admire them (Kubo). â€Å"This is what Japanese teenagers do for fun†(Mead). Sebastian Masuda said, â€Å"Harajuku style was created by the passion of a young generation of people who gathered here [Harajuku] and made their own culture. It's more than just a look; it's a spirit†(Macias). â€Å"For real inspiration, go to Harajuku†(McCaughan).
Wednesday, January 8, 2020
How Lauren and Paul Share the House Free Essay Example, 2500 words
Lauren continued to live with Paul in the house even when the relationship became strained and even when she was treated to continued verbal abuse. She had every right to continue staying there and even now she has the right to stay there since the agreement that was in a place that they would live together in the house is still in effect. And she has every right to go back there, together with her children, as long as she is assured that there will not be a return to the abusive and violent behaviour. Lauren, by virtue of her contribution to the acquisition of the property in question, would therefore suffer if the court of law determined that she was not entitled to its fair use and occupation. She should therefore have her constructive trust on the property remedied by having a right or say in the use and occupation of the property. She is right in her demand for a fair share in the use of the property since she did make material sacrifices towards Paul s acquisition of the house , regardless of the actual amounts of her contribution. We will write a custom essay sample on How Lauren and Paul Share the House or any topic specifically for you Only $17.96 $11.86/page Property estoppel is a legal mechanism that derived from equity. It is a claim against a property that is usually made by a party that may not be on the actual property title but can claim rights to it based on some other premise. Property estoppel is an extension of the constructive trust. It in effect precludes one from denying the existence of a state of affairs that had previously been deemed to exist.
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